Ready for ADVENTURE?

The Safari departs on Free Comic Book Day in Chicago.

Join Us!

Free Comic Book Day

On the May 2nd, we will journey to Chicago's best comic shops, hunting for rare issues and exciting sightings.


We will depart from downtown Chicago at 11:30am and return at 5:30pm after full day of treasure hunting, sight seeing, and good company.

Join Us

We are currently accepting applications.

Join us today!

ComicBooks for Kids!

Tickets to the Safari are $99 and proceeds from those sales will support ComicBooks for Kids!, 501(c)(3) Illinois charity working to make life for kids in hospitals and cancer wards better with comics.

Sponsor the Free Comic Book Day Safari

Are you a publisher, local comic shop, or creator that would like to help sponsor the Safari? If so, we are looking for help with the following items:

  • If you are a local Chicago comic shop, we are still scouting out locations to bring the expedition. We are especially looking for shops with special events on May 2nd, such as cosplay guests and creator signings.

  • If you are a publisher, the Safari is a great way to introduce your books and your brand to a receptive audience. We are happy to include any special issues or other promotional materials as part of the provision pack that every expedition member will receive.

  • If you are a local Chicago creator and would like to talk about your work making comics, we would like to invite you to be a guest guide for part of our day.